Nut Grass

Latin Name: Cyperus rotundus Linn. (Cyperaceae)
Sanskrit/Indian name: Musta
General information:
Nut Grass has a long history of medicinal use in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Its benefits have been documented in the Charaka Samhita, one of Ayurveda’s prime texts. The herb also features heavily in medicinal texts of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM). In CTM, Nut Grass is credited with the ability to restore ‘qi’, the natural patterns in which the body functions.
Nut Grass is used to treat digestive disorders, menstrual irregularity and nausea. It also promotes liver detoxification and healing.Therapeutic constituents:
Cyperine is the major constituent in the plant, which gives Nut Grass its pharmacological properties.Key therapeutic benefits:
- Nut Grass is beneficial in treating nausea and digestive problems.
- It is used as an analgesic for menstruation pains.
- The herb has a positive effect on the liver, facilitating its detoxification and treatment.
Used in Abana, Diarex, Evecare, Renalka, Diarex Vet, Himpyrin, HimROP Vet, Himfertin, Liv.52 HB, Bresol