Home » Herb Finder » Lemon

Latin Name: Citrus limon Burm.f. (Linn.)

Sanskrit /Indian Name: Nimbaka

General information:

Lemon, used in many culinary preparations as a flavoring agent, is credited with medicinal benefits. Rich in vitamin C, citric acid and calcium, the fruit is a carminative and stomachic.
Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antibiotic, antioxidant and anticholera properties.

It is reported that in several villages in West Africa, during cholera epidemics, the inclusion of Lemon juice in the main meal of the day was determined to have reduced the chances of contracting cholera.

Therapeutic constituents:

The important constituent of Lemon is the volatile oil (6-10%) which is useful in flavoring. The fruit contains flavonoids and limonoids. The flavonoids comprise three main groups—flavanones, flavones and 3-hydroxyflavylium (anthocyanins), which give the fruit its antiscorbutic, carminative, stomachic, antihistaminic and antibacterial properties. Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and carotene.

Key therapeutic benefits:

  • Due to its high vitamin C content, Lemons are effective in the treatment of scurvy.
  • Lemon is also helpful in treating oral diseases like pyorrhoea and dental caries.
  • Lemons are known to relive flatulence and improve appetite.
  • Lemon is regarded as an excellent digestive and helps in dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness.
  • Lemon is a natural deodorant, which also cleanses the skin.
Used in PureHands, Anti-Wrinkle Cream, Refreshing & Clarifying Toner, Revitalizing Night Cream