Home » Herb Finder » Bonduc Fruit, Fever Nut, Physic Nut

Latin name:  Caesalpinia bonducella (Linn.) Flem., C. bonduc (Linn.) Roxb.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Putikaranja

General information:

Bonduc Fruit is also known as a Fever Nut, due to its antipyretic properties.

Therapeutic constituents:

The seeds contain an alkaloid caesalpinine, bitter principles such as bonducin, saponins and fixed oil. These compounds render the herb its therapeutic properties (Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary, C.P.Khare. 117. 2007).

Key therapeutic benefits:

  • The plant treats skin diseases, ulcers and leprosy.
  • Buddhist Bauhinia is known to soothe gastrointestinal problems like, dysentery and diarrhea.
  • It can also arrest hemorrhoids.

Used in Himplasia