Prickly Chaff Flower

Latin name: Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Amaranthaceae)
Sanskrit/Indian name: Apamarga, Latjira
General information:
The many therapeutic benefits of Prickly Chaff Flower have been documented in Indian and Chinese medicinal manuscripts.
According to Ayurveda, it is bitter, pungent, heating, a laxative, a stomachic, a carminative and useful for the treatment of vomiting, bronchitis, heart disease, piles, itching, abdominal pains, ascites, dyspepsia, dysentery and blood diseases (Flora of the Indian Desert, M.M. Bhandari. 287-88. 1990).Therapeutic constituents:
The whole plant contains the alkaloids achyranthine and betaine. Achyranthine, a water-soluble alkaloid, is reported to dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and increase the rate and amplitude of respiration. Saponins extracted from the flower exhibit its diuretic activity (Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary, C.P.Khare. 11-12. 2007)Key therapeutic benefits:
- As a diuretic, Prickly Chaff Flower eliminates toxins from the body. It is also beneficial in herbal preparations for the treatment of kidney stones.
- It maintains heart and gastrointestinal health.
Used in Cystone